There are tons of DUI facts out there. Some are specifically about our amazing state of Arizona, but many of them cover the United States as a whole. No matter which type of DUI facts you prefer, you need to know some of these startling statistics before you make the choice to go out drinking again. They may just be enough to make sure you consider how you will get home safely before you put your key into your ignition.
DUI Facts
Knowing what the facts are and arming yourself with knowledge can go a long way towards making sure you remember to do the right thing at all times. That is why knowing starting yet accurate DUI facts can be so powerful. They may help you make a good choice instead of letting alcohol make a bad choice for you. Here are some facts to think about from
- The top killer of teenagers is car crashes. However, 33% of car crashes that kill a teenager involves some type of alcohol.
- DUI crashes kill upwards of 8 teenagers on a daily basis.
- Alcohol is a factor in approximately 40% of car crashes that lead to a fatality.
- Out of all the drugs on the planet, alcohol is picked the most.
- Male drivers are two times as likely as female drivers, to think they are safe to drive under the influence of alcohol.
- During nighttime hours, when a driver is killed in a car crash, a full 50% of them were over the legal drinking limit of 0.08.
We are looking to some DUI facts from for this set. How many of these facts have already got you thinking?
- If you drank only to the legal limit of 0.08 blood alcohol level, it would take approximately six hours to rid your body of that alcohol completely.
- Drivers who reach the legal limit of 0.08 are more than ten times as likely to be involved in a fatal crash as someone who is totally sober.
- During the specific hours of midnight to 3am, nearly 75% of fatal car crashes involve some amount of alcohol.
- Out of those who choose to drive drunk, about three-quarters of them who wind up in a fatal crash are not wearing a seat belt.
- Over 50% of those convicted of DUI continue driving on their suspended license, sometimes while drunk.
- The cost of DUIs in the United States alone is over $50 million annually.
- Approximately two-thirds of people will somehow become involved in a crash involving drunk driving during their life, often requiring services such as auto collision repair to restore their vehicles after the accident.
- On average, prior to their first arrest for DUI, most people have driven while drunk more than 80 times.
- Each day in the United States, it is estimated that only about 1% of people who are actually driving drunk, get caught and arrested.
- On average, every 45 minutes, someone dies as a result of a drunk driver.
Some of those facts are more than startling. They are terrifying if you consider how many people could be out on the roads right now after having alcohol and thinking it was safe to get behind the wheel.
What to Take Away from These DUI Facts
The most important thing to take away from these DUI facts is that they are all totally preventable. All of these deaths, crashes, and injuries are something we can work together to prevent. Drinking and driving is one of the most preventable issues that the world faces today. If you have been drinking, you have options. You do not need to go out and drive anywhere. What you need to do is either drink at home where you do not need to go out, or find a safe ride home. You have options, such as:
- Public transportation, which Arizona residents know there is quite a bit of.
- Car services – you can call a cab, hire an Uber or Lyft driver, or have a driver for the night if it is a special occasion.
- Call on your friends and family. While they may not want to come and get you, they would likely much prefer coming to get you over identifying your body should you get into a fatal car crash.
- Go out only to places you can walk home from. That way, you never have to risk going to your vehicle and driving, since your keys can safely be left at home.
- Rely on a designated driver. There are plenty of people out there who do not want to drink, or cannot drink for whatever reason. Ask them if they will get you home safely.
The point is, you have options. You do not need to be a statistic. Your life can be safer than the ones in these DUI facts. Just make sure you are making the best possible choices for you.
Should You Already Have a DUI, You Can Still Get Your Life Going
While a DUI is not a mistake you want to take lightly, you also do not want to make it the focal point of your life. It was a mistake, and one that you can learn from. You can take steps to make sure that it is a mistake that you never make again. Your job is to do what your attorney and the courts tell you to do. Get your DUI screening done, take your DUI courses, and safely navigate your time with your interlock device. Then, allow yourself to move forward.
This does not mean move on and forget. Instead, use what you learned and be better. Contact us here at the Stonewall Institute and let us help you accomplish that goal. Give us the ability to show you how to effectively and positively move forward with your life. You can reach out to us by calling (602)535-6468, or you can email us at directly. We are here, ready to help, you just need to reach out.