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Opiate Epidemic Has Positive Effects on Treatment
The Opiate Epidemic is a term that has become common place in the media in recent years. The term refers to a surge in the abuse of opiate and opioid drugs over the past decade. This occurrence has brought to light a multitude of problems for politicians and the...
Is Addiction A Disease? It May Be, But It Is Not an Excuse
Is addiction a disease? The debate about whether or not addiction is a disease has raged on for a long time. People on both sides the debate feel strongly about their particular stance, and it’s easy to understand why. Millions of Americans have been affected by...
How to Love: Tips for Supporting Your Loved One in Recovery
Many who find themselves trying to cope with a loved one’s addiction agonize over how to help them. In these circumstances, getting the addicted individual the help they need to sober up is as far as the planning goes. However, this is only the...
Know the Risk: What Are the Risk Factors for Addiction?
Scientist have been attempting to identify what the risk factors for addiction are for over one hundred years. However, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what causes addiction to take root. While the nature versus nurture debate has gotten the most attention...
What Are Co-Occurring Disorders, and How Are They Treated?
A phrase commonly used by addiction providers is “co-occurring disorder”. Just what that means can be a complex answer. Taken in its simplest terms, it’s a phrase used to describe an individual who suffers from multiple disorders at one time. From there, the...
5 Lifestyle Habits To Avoid While In Recovery
Some habits make drug or alcohol addicted individuals more likely to succeed in their alcohol and drug recovery. Then there are lifestyle choices that encourage relapse. In this article, we’re going to cover the big “dont's” of a healthy addiction recovery. Removing...
Forgiving Drug-Dependent Parents
Were your parents addicted to drugs or alcohol? Addiction runs in families and it can be hard not to hold grudges against your parents and have resentments. They had control over your life when you were at your most helpless. When parents struggle with drug addiction,...
Opioid Addiction: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment
The American Psychiatric Association defines opioid addiction as a continuous preoccupation to take more opioids despite negative professional and social consequences due to their behaviors. Addiction and drug dependence have physical, behavioral, and cognitive...
How Stress Affects Health in Recovery
A certain amount of stress in alcohol and drug recovery is inevitable. Stress can be motivating as long as it isn’t overwhelming. When stress is chronic, however, it can cause a host of health problems. The experience of being stressed is closely linked to a hormone...
Cardiovascular Health Risks and Addiction
Substance abuse takes a toll on the heart and the rest of the cardiovascular system. Even caffeine affects blood pressure and circulation. Imagine what happens to the heart when you take cocaine or amphetamines! It isn’t just stimulants that are the culprit. Alcohol...